Wednesday, March 31, 2010

a farewell to hills!

yesterday i ran my last "hill run" of my marathon training. i have been going crazy not working speed, not to mention i may have to size up my pants in order to accommodate for these quads (holy cow!)

well, i got home from the run and realized that while this week was the end of "hill runs," next week brings the only thing that is worse: "hill repeats."


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Crafty Runners??

idea from here

I never thought I would see these two worlds collide. I am a frequent visitor of one pretty thing, a site that highleghts different crafts and artistic abilities of many accross the web. I have gotten some great project ideas from this site.

I was really suprised to see this homemade running belt yesterday. I am not sure I am skilled enough to replicate it (the zipper looks a bit tricky) but I think it looks ideal. I have a similar amphipod belt that is for race day (no hydration) but the pocket is more rigid and i like the idea of having two pockets as well as the goo loops. While the design is [retty basic, it is amazing to me what it was made of... just a thrift store tech tee and soome old luggage straps. Some people are so creative!

More on Hills

I am doing a Bart Yasso program to prepare for the marathon. My last marathon had me training with little purpose. I did the required long runs but everything in between was just running. I am trying to stick to this program as closely as I can while manintaing sanity and my gym work load.

I have been running hills once a week for the last 6 weeks, and I am shocked at the conditiong I have achieved! I used to run the hill leading up to Diamond Valley Lake in about 11 minutes (working about 65-70%) I did an 8 mile conditioning run there yesterday and averaged 8:50 minute miles at about the same sustained effort level. WOW! Whenever I read something from the experts, I have faith in the words, and yet I am still always pleasantly suprised when I apply them and they work! Brilliance!


I need an intervention. I have gone off the deep end into Cadburry Egg hell. Please help!

I have been zoning all my meals but still stuffing my face with those darn eggs whenever the opportunity presents itself. (which has been all too frequently) BUT I feel like crap. I am officially declaring myself DONE (until Easter, where I will indulge in one FINAL bag) and getting back on track. That constant bloat is back as well the pounds I lost and I am not feeling healthy at all. I miss the way I felt when my eating was balanced.

My dear hubby has been doing the zone in order to prepare for his Baker2Vegas run and has lost 9 pounds in 2.5 weeks! It works!

So here's my public commitment to step away from the eggs.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

hills indoors

this is a "running" blog. kind of. so i will mention one thing about running.

i did a 6 mile hill workout on the treadmill on tuesday. it was awful. my yasso training plan has me doing hills every tuesday and i have noticed a huge increase in my ability to tackle hills... but the benefit of a hill outdoors is the down part. on the treadmill flat is as good as it gets. so... even if you are scheduled for hills and must go to the gym because there is not babysitting, it's okay. you can do it.


it's now the beginning of day four and i feel......wait for it........ FABULOUS!! I am so surprised! I was a little skeptical, i mean the book made it all make perfect sense, but it is difficult to reverse years of thinking, reading, etc.

without even trying, i have already shed a little over 2 pounds! i have eaten more than i normally would but have not been sweet binging which i had a tendency to do, despite the fact that there is a HUGE bag of cadburry minis on top of my fridge. i even used a carb the other night and had a few. let me just say that i don't just eat a few of those. it's the whole bag baby! but not now. my carb cravings have almost disappeared! and i am still still eating them... just differently.

the true test for this has been an utterly hectic week. how can i apply this when i am busy... going to the evil fast food joint or a church gathering that was potluck??? well, this is the best news... it wasn't that difficult.

case study one: farmer boys. had only been there once years ago so it took a few minutes at the drive through window, but i ended up with the chicken sandwich. came home and added a half of an orange and i was golden.

case study two: the church potluck. this was trickier as there were limited protein choices but a carbo smorgasbord. but i kept my rules in line as i made my selections, kept my portions reasonable, and was totally satisfied at the end. and felt great after!

remember that bloated feeling you get after too many a meal? i used to get that all the time. in college i was a cheerleader and we had tiny uniforms. teeny tiny! i didn't like the way my stomach would get a little bloated after eating and i wanted my stomach to look great so i would not eat all day even if the game was at 7pm! how ridiculous. i could have eaten so much and still felt great had i known.

so what i am saying in lots of words here (too many, sorry) is that this is awesome! i have not done anything weird or started drastically changing the foods that i am eating. it's all the same, just different ratios. the only thing i bought yesterday that i had never bought was knox unflavored gelatin and some zone-type bars that are macro nutrient balanced. sometimes when you are out and about and need to snack you cannot find a protein (unfortunately the fats and carbs are always everywhere)

so if you're needing a change go and try it. go!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


i tend to get a little carried away when i read something new that excites me.

last year i read skinny bitch and was convinced that all livestock was treated horribly and that my body was really not meant to tolerate meat or dairy. or sugar. or fake sugar. or caffeine. or anything. breathing was even risky. i tried it. not for me.

i have recently become interested in a training program that is gaining in popularity. it is called crossfit. i was surprised to see that this particular regimen advocated following the zone diet. the only mental reference i could make was that i once remember reading that jennifer aniston followed this eating plan. not a lot of info. hello amazon. two weeks later i have all my reading material.

for the last couple days i have immersed myself in all of dr. sears claims about hormonal balance and our diets role in this.

i am so sold.

sign me up.

i will for two weeks follow a very strict zone favorable diet to see if the claims will ring true for me. i will be following a strict 40:30:30 carb to protein to fat diet. i will not cheat. nope

i should be able to perform better athletically and lose some of that excess body fat that's hanging around. can i expect miracles like the book would let me hope for? can i get my marathon under four hours???

i am going to try and blog daily-ish to report on just how easy or difficult this is and how it is affecting my overall feeling of health.

i am so excited.

see you in the zone...